The Glory of Sports Activities in Zimbabwe

Several sports and games are played in Zimbabwe and among them the most popular are Cricket, Rugby, Field hockey, Football and Golf. Cricket is the most popular among all of the afore mentioned games. Zimbabwe has produced many athletes competing international events...

Water Sports and Activities in Ocho Rios, Jamaica

There are many resorts located in Ocho Rios. Your resort experience will likely include your room, access to pools and other smaller resort activities, but assistance with scheduling tours and adventures is going to be required. With that being said, it is always best...

Barbados Holiday – 7 Great Sports Activities

A Barbados holiday can be spent lazing on a beach, and there are so many. Or if you’re feeling a little more active, there’s no shortage of sports, both in and out of the water. The following suggestions are by no means exhaustive but are some of the best....